Get your API Key

Go over the Dashboard’s Settings tab:

Then copy your API Key directly from the input and update your .env by adding the BROWSERBASE_API_KEY entry

Alternatively, you can temporarily set the environment variable for a single bash command by prefixing it with BROWSERBASE_API_KEY=<your_api_key> in your terminal.


Install Playwright

npm i playwright-core

Update your code or clone a template

Running your existing code with Browserbase only requires a few line changes:

import { chromium } from "playwright-core";

(async () => {
  const browser = await chromium.connectOverCDP(

  // Getting the default context to ensure the sessions are recorded.
  const defaultContext = browser.contexts()[0];
  const page = defaultContext.pages()[0];

  await page.goto("https://browserbase.com/");
  await page.close();
  await browser.close();
})().catch((error) => console.error(error.message));
Be sure to set your BROWSERBASE_API_KEY environment variable to the value you copied from the Dashboard.

Get started with a Playwright Node.js template

Clone this GitHub repo to get started with Playwright


Inspect the completed Session

You can find all the recent sessions on the Dashboard’s Overview, along with essential metrics:

Select your Session to inspect it with the Session Inspector.

Start building